
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

KARAK ; 31/2 star Maybe

Assalamualaikum uolss. yesterday Ema and me going to Jusco to watch a movie.at first,we were planning to watch Pirates. As we arrive there, the word SOLD for Pirates Of Caribbean and Kung Fu Panda..walamak!..ramainyer tengok!...huhu...ok.fine.than we search for another movie and saw that the Karak movie still availble.hape lagi.serang la mak berdua nie!..after purchased the ticket we buy some snack. Ema bought Kung Fu Panda Special Edition snack set.Chantek sangat bekas tu.Mak jeles nak!!!..hehehe...
okeyh.so after watching the KARAK i can give 3 1/2 star to KRU.so this is the review.but i'll gv a little bit of my point about this movie 1st

( Shahir AF8/Syira Ayob/KilaFairy/Along..)

okeyh.1stly nak bagitau pada yang belum tengok.kejutan dia banyak time mula2.so pada yang jenis penakut macam cweety, sila lah ambik hape2 untuk menutup mata anda itu yer :). bagi cweety cerita ni yang gempaknyer terletak pada sounds effect. jeritan and bunyi2 tu seriously memang real. congrats KRU.teknik CGI pon mantop.kalau nak kata setanding dengan luar negara tu susahla tapi on its way to reach that level i think. okeyh.cerita ni banyak sangat twist sana twist sini.so kalau boleh please do not turn your head and eyes around cause you will miss any important part.at the end, baru tau cerita sebenar disebalik semua nie.tapi permulaan cerita ni,ada disebutkan satu cerita yang kita selalu dengar and memang popular.cweety ingat lagi nenek cweety cerita benda ni.sampai sekarang cweety ingat agi semua tu.kalau nak tau.tengok la sendiri cerita apa. xnak tengok kat wayang boleh tengok kat Astro 1st. :).tapi ada jugak la scene2 yang x sesuai utk tatapan.which is bila kilafairy to mandi berkemban.seriously,dah macam filem porno part tu.nampak segala lurah dendam kesumat la kan.kalau laki tengok memang meleleh air liur nya sampai ke luar cinema kot.. :P. erkkk..miss,are you muslim or what.perlu ke tayang badan mcam tu.tau le badan awak tu chantek(yg ni jeles)..tapi cover2 la.biar je bakal suami awak tu tengok.xyah bg org lain tatap segala rahsia awak tu.haishhh..segan gila time tu..KRU pon satu.jangana wat filem sebab nak tayang badan org.cek segan hang tau dak!okeyh la..ikut ko ler nak tayang mender.bukan aku yang berdosa. :).seriously badan dia memang chantek.teman jelesh tapi segan gak tengok dia tayang2 cmtu.tapi dia punyer b**b nampak besar semacam.orang kata dia operate.dont know.xnak la memfitnah.biar je la dia..cweety x kisah pon :).shahir romantik(xla sangat sebenarnyer) and hensem daam citer ni.syira cute! :)along zaidy pulak sangat kelakar.tapi rasa mcam ada yang kureng la dengan citer ni.itu apa yg cweety rasa.so nak tau lebeyh g tengok sendiri la senang citer.




Karak mengisahkan 4 orang sahabat NIK(shahir), ZURA(syiraayob) IDA(kilafairy) and JACK(alongzaidy) yang nak pergi mana ntah(yg ni lupa).diaorang ni semua macam dah tersesat sikit la sebab x percaya dengan benda2 ghaib nie.zura pulak merupakn bekas qariah peringkat negeri selangor tapi dia ni dah berubah.nak kata tersesat sikit je la compare dengan kawan2 dia.and just dia sorang jer percaya benda2 ghaib nie.diaorg nie tersekat dekat jam yang teramat la panjang.kebetulan pulak diaorg dekat je dengan entry keluar laluan karak.so sebab nak jimat masa diaorg decide nak ikut jalan lama. tapi yang diaorg xtau macam2 benda menakutkan bakal menanti diaorg. tengah dalam perjalanan tu diaorg singgah kat satu tempat ni.memang sangat sunyi. Jack ni jumpa la macam2 benda.serious..time kat situ scene paling menakutkan.seriousZ!!than diaorg sambung perjalanan and jack just diamkan je smua tu sebab dia x percaya and malu nak bgtau kengkawan dia.
tetibe datang pulak volkswagen kuning kacau diaorg.than tetibe ada budak(hantu la ni) muncul tengah jalan yang membuatkan diaorg eksiden and terjatuh kat dalam gaung. macam2 benda diaorg jumpa and at the same time terjumpa Tok Malam(orang asli).dia lah yang jaga budak2 nie tapi benda2 tu tetap nak kacau. sorang-sorang kene kacau.akhirnya hanya 2 orang yang terselamat dan berjaya sampai ke jalan utama. than diaorg nampak la kereta yang diaorg naiki tadi and terus serbu kat situ.dan terkejutnya diaorg bila tengok ada 3 mayat instead of 2.well sapa yang terselamat sebenarnyer.?kenapa pulak ada 2 orang yg berjaya selamat.apakah punca berlakunya kemalangan ini semua?

well cweety boleh kaat yang banyak pengajaran yang disematkan dalam cerita ni :
1. jangan terlalu bongkak.
2. percaya lah dengan benda2 ghaib
3. fahamilah surah2 serta ayat2 yang dibaca sebab.kalau baca tapi x paham sama jer dengan x baca.
4. Kuatkan Iman apabila datangnya musibah.
5. jangan Lupa solat ea :)

Friday, May 27, 2011


Assalamualaikum uollss.okiess i'm still in the mood of holiday. :), but unfortunately, i'm having fever for today so i cant go anywhere accept just haging with cats and my brother will reach home in about 2 hours. yeah, he's having an orentation week but still he can't live without his PC.okeyh..lets take that topics to the sides. because for this entry i want to talks about a new friend that i knew during this holiday... and friends that i didn't see for this 2 years..

they cheer up my holiday and i knew that i'm single now but they makes me feels like single is good.marvelous..
and during my working day, they help me to pack stuff when the sales end.they are kind isnt it...wahh..kembang la idung memasing..hehhe... orite... i'll show..who are they..hehe...kind of suspen here...ecehh...

this girl name is SYA.well i knew her since primary school which is i don't remember on what standard.
than at secondary school we become closer until now. she's tall and have a chubby face. which is not normal for me.muahahha :D.once,we had a fight which makes us be in a silence about a few month but when SPM approach we going back to normal.she's studying account at Polytech Ungku Omar with Ema.FYI, i know all her love story and little bit of her secret. :P.for now she's single!...lelong2!!!!

Her name is EMA.we r being separated about 2 years. she's looks like a tomboy but she's not.just her appearance not her attitude. just like sya, i knew her since primary school.we go to karate class together. but at that time seriously,i thought she was he..we got a lot of coincidental. my father and her mum happens to be a friends during their childhood.they are classmate!.we got to know this about 2 years ago.during Aidlfitri and our hometown is on the same state.!
haha..kind of funny and suprised i think.her house only few hundreds meter from mine. and she is person who love to hang out. jom lepak beb. she's single too...saper nak!??

Max & Epul
MAX : i knew her during my day at jusco. she's nice. she was sarawak-ians. which i instantly knew when i see her face. she's funny and as i know her father is in military.other than that i don't cause i just have a few days with her.and she's taken.sorry guys. :)
EPUL : this boy...he's so funny and he love camera!..unexpected.!he's working with ema under kikilala.he's 1 year younger than me. i just get to know him so not to much to tell about him. but thanks for cheering my holiday :)

this is IRUL not erul.he's a diploma student at ..i dont remeber :) . he's funny like epul and he love to make blur face.!!..so funny when he do that.seriously!...okeyh. maybe we had met before but i dont remmber.his father is a police which is same as my father and he staying at Ulu Kinta..and i think he got a girlfriend..

this one is my junior at SMK UK.his name is PIAN.and he's totaly damn funny and his experties in on lying. and sya will always being the target.the funny things is that his lying sounds real. few days ago, he got a news that he's got politeknik.congratss bro..xyah ambik form 6 ea..this one also taken :)

last one is ZHARIF osaman. sorry i have to steal your pics.ahakk!...okeyh he's studying at poly as same as ema and sya but i dont remember the course that he's taken. financial maybe. he's work for the sales only for 2 or 3 days. and he disappear likes a bubble..haha..actually he got a family buisness. as i know he staying at Tasek and he's also 20 years old. same as me. dia single (as he told me).saper nak hambek la!..lelong meh

okeyh.thats the list of people that i met during my semester break.yeah,we got a lot of planning to do so i will keep on taking picture as usual.hehehe..okeyyhhh...see uolss in the next entryy.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

single life

Assalamualaikum uolss. today i'm kind of relax cause i got nothing to do today. my activity for today is just  be a driver for my brothers. and at night i'm having dinner with my family at Mee Rebus Ramlee. Located at Taman Perpaduan. the chicken chop there.Memang terbaekwokk!..hehe..okeyh.back to the topics.tengah khusyuk menikmati chicken chop,than ada org tegur... owh..its my old friend.we knew each other since kindergarten and than for some reason she hv to moves to another states

L : hye Myra!lama nyer x jumpa. about 10 years isn't it? ( we'r hugging for a while )
M : yeah.about 10years i guess. how's your life now
L : good. am study at MAHSA.taking nursing.. how about u
M : i'll bcome a teacher.studying TESL at upsi..hehehe..jd cikgu je la like my mummy.
L : ok what!..serve for the country and citizen.hehehe... eh..since we met here, i want to invite you to come to my weeding at KL on august. can you..
M : wah..nak kawen dh...how lucky you r.
L : yeah.he's ready for the comitment and my family agreed so instantly we plan it. ohh..how about u..when will you follow my step..
M ; dont know..mybe about 5  yers more if someone propose me.hehehe...mana tau putera raja turun dr langit.skrg ni xdk calon.
L : eh single?x sunyi ker...
M : well sometimes but i got friend.
L : yeah but still your friend cant be with you everytimes right. u need someone dear...

owhh lyn.i hope i have one but i think for now i dont want to have any comitment with anbody. i've been hurt and to heal from that...takes me a lot of times. lyn is rights. my friend cant be with me all the times but i think i can survive by being single.why?

1. i don't have to think about when will he message and call me. why its too late and why didn't he reply me back
2. i can go out with whoever i want. girls or boys.whose care. xdk org nak larang.
3. my mom can stop ask killing question about who is he? when she knew.ohhh am scared. kalah polis penyiasat dia tanya.
4. SAHAM jadi TINGGI kot.hehehe
5. search for the best out of the best! well i've found one but..no...he's not for me.
6. SAVING!dont need to topup my credit every 3 days. right now.am topup my credit every 7 days.jimat gilew.
9. 7. salah kira!..okeyh.no 7 is i can spend most of my time with friends.without looking at the phone.prove.?check my FB.more pict taken with my friend.
8. if going to kenduri,boleh usha jejaka hensem!.homaigad.syella taught me this.sorry kamchap.\
9. free like a birds!
10. concentrates on study!..yeahhh!..

but...by being single i'm also facing something :

1. sometimes i felt lonely when my friends busy with their work and dates
2. felt jealous when i saw couples at shopping mall
3. crying when heard  sad songs. but its rarely happens. still..when i heard that song i'll remember back all the memories.MYRA..BE STRONG!

hehehe..banyakkan point kt atas ni tapi x kisah la single or taken, the point is you must know how to control your self... how to face a problem and how did you manage to solve it...

i think i can be dr.love now.buahahaha 

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

working experience

hye.Assalamualaikum uolss. i think it have been a long time since my last post isn't it. as known, am working at Jusco Ipoh as a promoter. but my works only for 5 days. this 5 days really makes me tired and my body become  hurts especially my feet cause i'm wearing a tight shoes.so...uolss can understand the pain that i face..but for the sake of the customer, i didn't care about it all..hehehe....but actually i was thinking about the money..argghhh..why is it takes a long time to get the fees.y not just gave me instantly :P

okeyh2...as a promoter, we have to take care of the department that given to us..i meant its not department,i can say that as a section.just like mine,i have to look after kids clothes.to looks after something is works that everybody can do it right but when the customers come and search for the clothes...than on that times the trouble is coming!.if on normal day its nothing.u just have to folding just few piece of shirt or gowns. but when it comes to sales and J-Card days,the perfectly folded gown and shirt will be like a volcano in a matter of minute.i just like..what the fishcake??!!...i'm just folded that gown a few seconds ago!urghhh.. and for some reason, few customers didn't care to ruined what the promoter had just did..hello mrs.!don't you have any respects to us...??!!selamba jer...!

urghhh..penat gilerrr!..and u have to face a fussy customer.memang pengsan lar..but i think thats all give me some kind of experience. how to works fast and to stand for about 10 hours without having a seats. at the same time i learn how to be patient when trouble comes. yes,,its all needed for a teacher like me and all teacher out there.for UPSI and other education student, they should at least try to work as a promoter or works at a place that brings your patient level to the highest limit.

okeyhhh..i want to upload some picture on FB. :)

with ema :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

people makes me ANNOYED when :

Assalamualaikum uolss.rasanyer lama jugak cweety x update blog ni kan. cweety busy sikit sekarang sebab keje.huhuhu...penat lorh.keje dok berdiri memanjang...even ada la duduk2 sikit.hehehe
entah kenapa la kan tetibe nak wat entry macam ni.maybe sebab x tahan kot dengan perangai certain orang yg konon "paling perfect' dalam duniaaaaaee...just like everybody like them but in reality,they are not.

menyampah bila :

1. kau perasan kau cantik (cantik lagi Cik Ton Kamchap)...ok fine x kisah la kau nak perasan ke hape.tu hal kau tapi perlu ker berlagak ko lady boss sangat. ko arah orang tu buat tu orang ni buat ni...ko saper beb?kau buat keje yang paling senang and bagi orang lain yang paling susah.pastu ko xnak involve pon dengan discussion. bila org kata projek tu teruk ko g salhkan orang lain...hamboiii...such a pathetic girl/guy...

2. bajet macam hot sangat bila ada guys jeling kat ko time kat fast food restaurant.siap tanya lagi "aku cantik sangat ke hari ni".pastu mula la nak geak kuat2 la buat2 gaya manja la.ko ajak la ko nyer geng join gelak havok bagai tu....erkkk..excuse me.is this zoo or shopping mall =.= ko x perasan ke guys2 tu usha baju adidas paling latest kt kedai belakang tu.  >.< ..ohh please.!!

3. gambar profile kalau boleh nak paling hot bagai.siap pakai spageti yang mcm mihun jer asee.Fine.dosa sendiri tanggung.tapi menyampah gila bila orang kata ko seksi,kata benda2 lucah katko, ko g marah..pehal beb. siap maki hamun kata nak saman..oh girl..come on..duit ko banyak sgt ke nk saman org. kalau banyak pon, org mahkamah gelakkan ko je la bila tengok pic camtu. XD

4. asyik buat status pasal orang x hiraukan diri kau.kawan ko lupakan ko..erkk..miss..bukan ko ker yang lupa kawan. ko buat kawan2 ko terasa . time raya xnk pulak jumpa kan.x ajak kami2 ni2 datang kenduri pon tapi ko gempar gempur kat FB yang kawan ko teruk. fine.kalau teruk..xpayahla kawan dengan kitaorg dah..your not someone important in my life okeyh.

5. ko pandang orang lain serong je bila ko lepak dengan group ko.okeyh la korang cantik2...(cantik lagi kek coklat cik ira)... but seriously org dah main benci dengan group korang ni...ada hati nak ikut jejak langkah group gula-gula kot korang nie

okeyh.rasanya setakat ni dulu kot...banyak lagi tapi nanty2 la ea...harap sangat mereka2 nie dapat berubah...pleaseee..xkan kemananya korunk dengan perangai camnie...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

- Searching For Jobs -

Assalamualaikum uolss. okiess..as well know sekarang ni cweety tengah semester break for about 4 month!..4 month okies,not 4 weeks... hadushh.haper la nak buat kan.perancangan cweety untuk bekerja sekrang berjaan lancar tapi x seperti yang dirancangkan.hehe...

mula2 cweety dpt kerja kat kedai tudung tu but than rasa mcm x berbaloi jer fees dia bg.(memilih pulak kan >.<). ingat cm nak dok umah jadik suri rumah x reti masak.keh3..but satu hari pada tanggal 8 May 2011..ecehhh...over2..ok2.,sya..which is my bestie ajak g teman dia apply keje kat jusco. so cweety pon g la merempit dengan org baru dapat lesen moto tu. :P. sampai2 org tu bg borang kat dia and cweety..am just ike.."what?!..am not applying for this". dia pon kata."ala isi jer dik,keje 5 hari nak.untuk J-CARD.kami memang memerlukan orang. 5 hari kerja dapat RM470.Nak x?"

ehh...bebaloi tuh..5 hari dpt RM400+.okies!.so cweety start kerja seama hari tu on 18th May till 22nd May. sempat nak g phuket??hurmmmm :(..lepas interview yg x mcm interview tu,kitaorg g la food court nak melantak sambil smbg2.lama giler x jumpa minah keding ni..fyi,she's not cameraholic.so no pict of her... :p

time nak balik tu,cweety ternampak la iklan job vacancy kat Johnny's.ala kt kedai makan steambot tu...gaji sebulan RM1000++.so cweety ambik no dia.tapi x call lagi.lepas balik vacation baru call. and lagi satu kat Ipoh parade.tu pon gaji RM1000+++..rasanya mesti kerja penat tapi my target is experience..not money or what (ecehh..walaupon sebenanyer duet tu sangat penting!!! )..and papa ank beikan moto baru. 135LC.the latest one.i love you daddy :)
kalau muka mcm ni minatk kerja.dapat x.. : p
sya tengah mencuba untuk meng-lock kan moto dia.biasala budak baru belajar :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

- kejutan -

mesti uolss nak tau kan apa kejutan yang cweety nak cakap nie...

okies.cweety akan bgtau but not now...
wait till monday!.jeng jeng jeng :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011


hye guys..Assalamualaikum. akhirnya cweety jumpa jugak apa yang cweety carik tapi xdk dalam tangan lagi la..tengah memproses.hehehe... cweety berkenan dengan benda ni since tengok cerita Secret Garden lagi..
nak tau apa....

Ni La dia













ladies and gentleman

the very damn cute

tolonglah cakap benda ni bapak cute!!!. cweety ada tempah yang kecik punyer.malaysian girl yang buat tau .but this girl buat not 100% same as above pic. but still cweety order kat dia.sepasang.hitam and putih.
yang ni malaysia gurl buat.kecik je saiz dia.dalam 9cmx x 12cm.
Nama this gurl Zyra. macam2 lagi dia boleh buat selain raska myoo nie.
kalau korang nak tau..visit page dia kat FB dia.and tengoklah hasil kerja dia...

muda lagi tapi berbakat.klik nama dia ni if korang nak g page dia...selamat mencuba :)

okies tu raska myoo versi malaysia. yang versi korea pulak.memang sejibij sejibon sama dengan drama secret garden tu. memangla sama sebab syarikat ni yang keluarkan patung ni.
100% same...i loikeee!!
nama syarikat tu raska.inc. memang diaorg buat semua nie.
saiz :20cm,30cm,40cm
memang sama dengan dalam secret garden tu.
okiess.cweety sekarang tengah deal dengan org syarikat tu nak tanya pasal harga and cara pembayaran semua. ahh duet x kisah asal dapat benda chumell gila vavi nie...
Abah..pinjam kredit kad!...haaaahaha..debusshhh.!!!kene pelempang la kan kalau cakap camtu..

so now.tunggu org dari syarikat tu reply jer.
hope harga dia x mahal sangat la sebab cweety nak yng paling gedabak sekali. 40cm.

am waiting....am waiting....am washing..eh..ni aswad..hahaha..am waiting..
oh raska myoo..cepatla sampai kat peti surat tu..hehehe

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


hye.Assalamualaikum uolss. :). dah dekat 4 hari jugak la cweety dok kat rumah ni.haishh..dah rindu kat member UPSI. tapi at the same time happy sebab dapat cuti lama.hehehe.. mesto korunk wondering kan apa yang cweety nak sangat nie...

nak kawennnnnnnn... mama cepatla terima rombongan meminang tu... rasanyer memang kene penyepak la kan kalau gatal tahap cipan cam tu. xdk lah.cweety teringin sangat beli moto baru. biasalah cweety kan minah moto kan. mesti nak yg terbaik...but not minah rempit okies.. jangan samakn kami okies. cweety memang sensetip bab2 nie. kalau org kata minah rempit memang nak terajang je muka diaorg kalau boleh. even diaorg gurau ke hape. cweety x boleh terima...

hahaha..sensetip kan. tapi sensetip part tu jer. tolongla jangan panggil cweety minah rempit. minah moto xper. seriously.if cweety dengar je diaorg cakap minah rempit, jangan ditanya kenapa ramai orang pakai baju hitam sepak terajang korunk keyh! this is warning!korang masuk sepital ke, ada eden kisahhh.. ehh men gertak2 plak kan.hehehe (cehh tertibe serious )

ehem ehem...!! okay.berbalik kepada topik :) . moto cweety sekarang ni Yamaha 135LC Extreme Spirit.
 tapi adik cweety dok guna kesana kemari.kemana-mana la dia bawak moto tu sampaikan moto tu dah macam dia punyer. so cweety tanya papa and mama...

cweety : ma,abah... boleh x nak moto baru. moto tu syafiq selalu guna.akak nak moto sendiri jugak
ma&pa : moto.boleh2 tapi janji kene kerja cuti ni.
cweety : betol ni...okies..i promishhhhh....
ma&pa : pilih la nak moto mana akak nak.nanty dah decide bgtau mama ngan abah.
cweety : okay ma... harga nak dalam lingkungan baper riban
ma&pa : pilih jer.harga lain citer.
cweety : waahhh..betul nie??..nanty dapat gaji kerja, akak belanja secret recipe & kenny Rogers ea.
ma&pa : la...ingat nak belnja makan kat hotel 5 star td. :)
cweety: hai bah..gurau biawak nampak
ma&pa : biawak hensem x apa....
cweety : erkkkkkk =.='''

waaaahh.. I Heart my mum and dad so much!!...cweety dah decide nak beli moto jenis sama.Yamaha 135LC Clutch. cuma masalahanyer skarangnak pilih yang latest version or yang 1st edition.memang tengah pening giler nie. yang latest chantek gak design and ada 5 gear. cuam diaorg kata performance x sebagus yang 1st edition. which is extreme spirit tu.

Dari Tepi sangat smart.tapi tang depan len sikit la lampu dia
Ni warna hitam :)

pening2..banyak ag kaler sebenarnyer tapi malas nak upoad.hehehe..okies la...sekarang ni cweety nak g layan TV dulu.nanty2 baru pikir mana yang cweety nak..k papai semua. kalau ada pendapat mana yang sesuai. comment a entry nie...cweety agak kurang pandai bab memilih motor ni,hehe..reti bawak je :P

Monday, May 2, 2011

- 2nd May with Mr.Izzat -

 hye...assalamualaikum semua :)
okies.semalam cweety g meronggeng ngan miss kamchap.hari ni pulak cweety g ber-dating dengan Mr.Izzat.
status?...owh... cweety and mr.izzat sekarang hanyalah kawan tapi special sikit kowt sebab kitaorg pernah kaple..tapi for now...we'r just a friend. and its better that way i think. we dont want to stick with the commitment and i can forgive him for the break up because i already knew about the reason for all the thing happens to us :)

okies2..sambung citer. mr.izzat dtg sini kejap jer.sebab dia OTW nak balik perlis. tapi disebabkan cweety ni merengek2 nak jumpa dia..sajer nak belnja dia..hehehe... so mr.izzat pon mengalah la dengan budak kecik ni.hehe..

dalam pukul 10.00 pagi tu mr.izzat call and kata dia dah sampai kat petronas Ipoh.hamboii...rempt ke hape..hehe...moto dia kan laju.lepas dia call kata dah sampai cweety pon start enjin and g la saner.tapi disebabkan jam yang teramat sgt..lambat la sampai kat situ...

dlm pukul 10.20 baru sampai.and than carik parking ag.hadushhh...memang ramai la manusia2 yang shopping.al maklumlah cuti kan... our 1st destination is Big Apple Donuts & Coffee.cweety rindu sangat dengan big apple ni.sebelum masuk UPSI slalu jer makan..kiranya dekat setahun jugak lah x pergi..homaigooshipppp...windu bagai la ngan donut dia

Big Apple Donuts & Coffee. i miss you damn much!

tapi cweety take away jer.sebab kitaorg rancang nak makan fast food. so cweety ambik yang 6 bijik punyer. harga dia... 6 biji = RM12.50. Murahkannnnn.!! sekarang ni macam2 jenis donut ada dah...donut sushi pon hade...haa...saper suka sushi and donut u.korang leyh la combine kan citarasa korang jadi satu.. nama dia Donashi..comel sangat!

Chumel sanghattttt!! :)

dia ni memang x suka camera :)
okiess..lepas tu kitaorg terus menyerbu KFC.mula2 konon nak mam McD tapi sajer nak rasa ayam KFC pulak kan. memandangkan Ipoh ni ada krusher..so apa lagi try la...kat tg.malim xdk krusher :( ...

aktiviti memilih

dimana-mana camera sentiasa di tangan.yups...cweety xdk pon DSLR..camera biasa je pon...:).comel gitu
okiesss...kami pon meng-order makanan. antara menu2 nya ialah...ecehh...suspen jerrr

ni la apa yang kitaorg makan.... 2snack Plate - large cheesy wedges (my fevewet ) - zinger burger (his) and my krusherr....homaigoshippp...krusher tu memang terbaek di dunia la wa cakap lu....

strawberry banana crusher.terbaik!shedappppp
hape mende ntah dia membebel nie...
sabar le cik abg oii...i nak rasmikan KFC dulu sebelum bog  big apple nie.
 dah nyum2 KFC and krusherrr..cweety bpon teringin nak sambung makan donutkuuuu...
meh tengok apa yang dipilih oleh kami

cantek sgt.sayang nak makan! :P kenapa anda semua cantik and lazat
menikmati keindahan dulu sebeum meng-ngappp
gambar dengan makanan wajib hado! :)

okiesss...after habis smua makanan.i mean x habisla sebab cweety bawk balik donut tu sikit.kenyang kot makan KFC. mana leyh nk hbskan donut tu..and mr.izzat pon sama.burger tu dia bwk jdkan bekalan perjalanan nanty.hehehe jauh kot perlis...6 jam lebeyh. xperla bersabar je la cik abg ea...

okies sebelum berangkatr sempat ag cweety snapping..hehehhe
dia memang mcm tu...
semoga selamat sampai dirumah yerr...

okieslahhh...cweety besh sangat sebab kawan cweety dtg ipoh...lenkali yglain pulak dtg...n for sure cweety akan mengalu-aukan kedatngan mereka...
cweety dapat berita td mr.izzat dah sampai gurun..hushh ni rempit ke hapoooo!..
ish pakcik ni..k la..apephal pon dia selamat sampai..miss kamchap pon dah sampai langkawi kot sekarang ni.cian dia xdpt big apple.xpe..lenkali cweety belanja dia...

- malam ni dapat kek secret recipe and mam kenny rogers roasters sempena birthday akim -

- 1st May with Miss Kamchap -

hye uolss.. Assalamualaikum :). okies seperti yg diketahui ramai. 1hb ni hari pekerja kan. so memang hari cuti sakan la except utk org yang kerja kat shopping mall tue.. habih kalau depa cuti cmner orang nak g meronggeng.hehehe... okiess. hari ni cweety hepi sebab miss kamchap datang ipoh ngan family dia. kitaorg x g jauh sangat la sebab diaorg pon just nak carik baju sikit2 and sajer nk jalan2..

miss kamchap and family stay kat new caspian hotel. masa1st dengar..pelik la jugak sebab memang x penah dengar nama hotel nie.bila tengok map, lorhh dekat jer ngan sekolah mama ngajar dulu. so dalam pukul 4 cweety pon pergila menjemput mereka. miss kamchap naik dengan cweety and mummy and her sys naik another car.

as usual. picture decribe words kan.mai sini.. nak tunjuk jap apa yang terjadik time hari pekerja nieh :)

Chick - A - Licious ... sedap nyer.coslow dia terbaekkk

Fish Fillet Burger - syella punyer
sukanyer dia :)..yeng yeng!
Loike this pic. the arrangement seems nice.
am purplish and she blacken :)
retro and a little bit vintage there. loike too!
saper2 main angry birds mesti tau character nie...so cuteee! only RM15 
angry birds again. keychain pulak... RM7.90 each.sangat comel!!!

again..<3 angry birds

in my car..again me and kamchap with angry Birds :)

okiesss la...setakat tu jer...dalam puku 7 tu cweety hantar diaorg balik kat hotel. patutnya cweety nak belanja miss kamchap big apple donut & cofee
but then dia kene g umah kawan ayah dia.
so terpaksalah tangguh dulu rancangan tu....
lenkali yer mami....