the title is The Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes...huaaaa..panjangnyerrr title..hehehe...
erm i think i can give 4 star to this film. but for me it just a regular type of film. the story is about a scientist whose make an antidote for alzheimer disesases. but first he try that antidote to an apes. without his knowing, the ape actually having her baby in her cage. n than there's so much conflict when the antidote that given to that ape was inheritance to her baby.the scientist's father call the baby ape by the names of ceaser because he was intersted with julius ceaser. n then he was become a very healthy after his son gives the succesful antidote to his father. but as time goes by, the antidote is not function anymore and his father is back to his old the scientist try to make a new antidote.starts from that all the chaos is coming to their town. the new antidote give a good effect to apes but not human. how they gonna stop all those chaos which they have created.... what happens to ceaser?will he go back to its owner...
for me it's great but ordinary. cuz we cn se a lot of story about an experiment is held on animal n than it become a monster or something like that and their town bcome like 2012 film sets. but the ending of this film is quiet smart bcause they want the audience think what will happens next.
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